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.recipes for action 

This cookbook is a collection of ideas, recipes for action. The recipes posted here are provocations, prompts, calls for action. There are suggestions, tutorials, guides. There is a lot of information that can help people make informed decisions that can impact on their lives and our planet.

scent of air


a proactive approach to air pollution is better than a reactive one

One of the most common and often overlooked effects of air pollution is the presence of unpleasant odours on clothing. We may not realise it, but our clothes can absorb and carry harmful particles, toxins, and other pollutants that we encounter in our daily lives.

The concept behind this workshop is that we want to turn air which is not tangible into something that people can sense. We are trying to evoke the emotion of people through sense and smell by using their own clothes to collect different scents of their living environment.

recipe for action

  1. Visit a congested area with frequent traffic jams or a location where you anticipate unpleasant odours on your clothing.

  2. Take the clothing home and store it in an airy place without washing it.

  3. After dumping that outfit into room temperature water for 2 hours, you can collect the smell of the odours on your clothing.

  4. You can compare the differences between tarnished fragrance and fresh, clean scent from the natural environment by bringing a jar extracted from the finished product you received from the previous step to our workshop.

  5. You will have time to self-reflect everything about your change throughout this experiment. Then you can share with your loved ones and act together for a clean air future.

By An Bui, Becky Nguyen, Anki Zhu, Vo Dinh Lam Thi.


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