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.recipes for action 

This cookbook is a collection of ideas, recipes for action. The recipes posted here are provocations, prompts, calls for action. There are suggestions, tutorials, guides. There is a lot of information that can help people make informed decisions that can impact on their lives and our planet.

wipe to visualise

reveal what a heuristic practice shows us about air

the call to action

One way to demonstrate the extent of air pollution is by using a simple technique known as ‘wipe to visualise’. A call to action that involves wiping the leaves of both indoor and outdoor plants to see the amount of dust and particulate matter accumulated.

It is important to note that while ‘wipe to visualise’ can be a useful tool for demonstrating air quality, it is not a scientific method for measuring pollution levels. However, it can be a useful way for us to realise the invisible effects of air pollution on our environment and health.

‘wipe to visualise’ is a simple yet effective way to demonstrate the prevalence of air pollution in our environment. By taking steps to reduce pollution levels, we can all work towards a cleaner and healthier future.

recipe for action

Prepare: cotton pad/finger, water, indoor plant & outdoor plant.

Your finger can be used in place of a cotton pad. Yielding lower physical results but better sensory results.

  1. Gently spray water on the leaves or cotton pad.

  2. On the damp leaf, rub gently with a cotton pad; or alternatively, your finger.

  3. Apply the previous two steps again with a plant situated outside.

  4. Examine the contents of the surface used to rub plants.

Visualise what invisible air truly looks like.

By Nhi Nguyen, Duy Vin, Paige Perill, Daisy Halliwell-Woods, Maha Almatari, Rohan Natarjan, Jazmin Engle


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