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.recipes for action 

This cookbook is a collection of ideas, recipes for action. The recipes posted here are provocations, prompts, calls for action. There are suggestions, tutorials, guides. There is a lot of information that can help people make informed decisions that can impact on their lives and our planet.

Mycelium Garden

The latest bio-tech option

Welcome to Mycelium garden!

We aim to create a mycelium box. This recipe introduces the process of creating mycelium, we are looking for using mycelium to replace plastic and chemical products and effectively reduce CO2 emissions.

Mycelium is the latest bio-technology used as a building, design and infrastructure material.

We've designed 100% mycelium plant boxes, ready to use on both a corporate scale and on an individual scale for the public.

Go mycelium now


By Junyi Cao, Shuwen Fan, Mariam Haq, Safir Sheikh, Minyi Gu & Joe Rangecroft

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