Create a butterfly garden
What Is A Butterfly Garden
A Butterfly garden provides us with a sanctuary for a multitude of butterfly species, ranging from our cousins the Painted Lady to the Small White. The Garden gives us a safe space that provides shelter, food and water for us as well as other forms of wildlife. The garden not only attracts us but also helps to aid our Butterfly lifecycle of which includes: The egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly.
Benefits Of A Butterfly Garden
As a Butterfly, we not only represent happiness and beauty but also provide a habitat for pollinators. This is important as Pollinators are directly linked to the human food supply and there is a current worldwide decline of them. We are also used as a barometer to forecast the condition of the environment and climate, when a butterfly species disappears, that's an environmental alarm-one that signals other species may be at risk, including humans.
By Claudia Blanes, Yuanrui Zhang, Bilaal Benkacem, Diasy Owei, Veronica Cassano & Shihui Li